Blogging from Cha-Am

I am now in Cha-Am. Bet you don't know where that is. Hehe...

It's not too far from Hua Hin, Thailand.

Just had a great aromatic massage today.

Anyway, I figured by now the price for Curve 8520 should be out two days ago, since I've been traveling for the past few days, I was wondering if anyone found out the price for the phone already. Ermm...

print screen

Am now accessing the internet from this really nice Tara Mantra Resort, the rate is so expensive (100 baht for 70 minutes), but considering I was paying 51 baht for three minutes of broadband in Bangkok a few days ago, this rate is luxury.

I'm staying in this mini suite all alone by myself, sigh, how I wish I have somebody special with me right now.

It's no fun staying in a 7500 baht (that's a near RM800 per night) suite all alone, sharing a queen size bed all alone, swimming in one of the three swimming pools all alone, well, not exactly alone, was chilling out by the pool with this really sweet girl Cecelia. :D

I haven't uploaded any of my pics yet. So no pics to show now. Hehe...

Just keep a look out for more updates that's to come. So many travel entries to blog about. @_@


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