Jason Statham Gifts Stunt Pads To Girlfriend Whiteley

Jason Statham Girlfriend Whiteley
In a bid to protect his girlfriend from getting bruises, Transporter star Jason Statham has gifted Rosie Huntington Whiteley with special stunt pads.

The 43-year-old actor bought the special pads after Whiteley, 24, who gained popularity after replacing Megan Fox in the upcoming film ‘Transformers 3′, returned home covered with bruises, reported Daily Star.

The former Victoria Secret’s model was not prepared for performing stunts in the third installment of the sci-fi film.

“I came (home) from filming covered in bruises… He was like, ‘You’ve got to wear your stunt pads!’ He sent me razor-thin gel stunt pads… ’cause the regular ones make you look like a football player,” said Whiteley.

The British model was recently voted the sexiest woman in the world by readers of both men’s magazines ‘Maxim’ and ‘FHM’.


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