John Travolta Grooming Lindsay Lohan For Scientology

Well, it was bound to happen. Lindsay Lohan has made a religious love connection with her Gotti: Three Generations co-star John Travolta, insiders spill to National Enquirer Gossip Gus Mike Walker.

Travolta will play murderous mob boss John Gotti in the much-lauded drama and lobbied to get troubled LiLo the role of Gotti’s daughter-in-law Kim in the upcoming film. Although production won’t even begin until September, but the Saturday Night Fever actor’s wasted no time needling Lindsay to give the controversial Church of Scientology a shot in exchange for him putting in a good word for her with Gotti producers. Oh, and “because he believes it will save her life and down-the-drawn career,” Walker writes in his May 8 column.

Word is John’s already introduced Lindsay to one of the church’s high-ranking counselors and has convinced her to attend a series of induction classes. Could Scientology be Lohan’s own “Stay Out of Jail for Life Card” — the good influence the scandal-scarred actress needs to turn her back on her wildchild behavior for good?

“Even though producers were heistant to hire Lindsay because of her troubled past, Travolta assured them he’d take her under his wing,” says a spywitness. “He feels confident he’ll be able to keep her on the straight and narrow…now and forever!”


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