Katy Perry Have an Affair with Her Record Producer

It’s up to a good judge to give the answer to this question. Katy Perry is going to court claiming damages through an article published by an Australian celebrity magazine that revealed the details of her alleged after-marriage love affair with a producer.

The article that appeared over a month ago in the NW magazine splashed out a catchy headline about “Katy’s Other Man” and “Shock Revelation” and proceeded to recount the story about an “intimate relationship” between the Billboard chart-topping artist and her producer Benny Blanco who assisted in releasing several songs from the Teenage Dream album. (Blanco is also known for working with Justin Bieber, Britney Spears and Ke$ha.)

The magazine had been informed of the affair (that supposedly occurred a short time after Perry’s resplendent marriage to British comedian Russell Brand in India in October) by the singer’s two so-called friends, Angela Summers and Marlon David, whom Perry denies knowing.

Last week the singer started legal proceedings against the magazine management claiming grave damage to her reputation, and “distress, embarrassment and humiliation” caused by the publication. The damages she may collect upon winning the case will come to several hundred thousand dollars.


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