Left Auckland, Arrived in Wellington.

I am now in Windy Welly (Wellington), lying on my double bed in one of the most famous beachside lodge in the suburb area.

Going to head to town soon after washing up but not before settling my transport for tomorrow to cross the sea from north island into south.

Traveling alone has been a thrill, but my heart doesn't seem to be here, despite the beautiful sea, the comfy bed, the nice people, I feel my heart should be back home, back where my love is.

Internet here is expensive, like really really expensive. Everything is charged by either per MB or per hour which can ranged from NZD 4 to 8. Last night I downloaded a zip folder of photos my friend sent me, and that email alone already cost me 4.1MB, that's like RM1. It can be assumed that if one is not careful, one can easily spend up to RM50 on a 10 min video call.

Hence my lack of updates and will be for so, lack of photo this entry. (ok, I mean no photo on this entry)

It's getting colder as I moved further south, I look forward to the wine trail experience in Malbourough wine country. Then maybe slowly move down to Christchurch, either by car, or... well... I was just thinking of car. Train seems rather boring at this point. But I hate driving though, urgh.

Last night I have to fill up two hot water bottles provided to heat my bed, despite a small radiator, I was feeling rather chilly in my empty room. My things are now scattered everywhere on my bed and on the floor, god I'm such a messy person. Cookie (my teddy) is sitting my lap watching me type away on the brightening screen in this dark room, ermm, which reminds me, I should draw the curtain, it's almost noon now but it still feels like early morning in this room.

It's more than a week away till I fly back to Malaysia. I really can't wait, but at the same time, I feel like I want to stay longer so I can experience more of that this country can offer. However, it is impossible to do that when your heart is not here.

Alright, time for shower, freshen up, change, buy my ferry ticket and head out to town. Yup.



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