I'm flying off later today at 3:30pm to London to embark on my two months Europe trip (considering it making it one month plus instead of two, too long a journey can be depriving). Yet to pack, what is new.
Tentative countries that I'll be passing: England (London to be exact), France, Spain, and Portugal. If you're in this region and want to meet up, shoot me a mail. nicootan@gmail.com
Anyone stays in Southern France and drives? I wanna go to Bordeaux!
The past week has just been amazing. The last two days was the pinnacle of this wondrous two weeks.
And I found myself ignorant of the rest of the world for the first time. To be able to cast everything out of my mind, and focus only on one.
Everything was perfect. Perfectly lazy, perfectly aimless, and it was beautiful.
One year. That was the period. From the day I stood and leaped from the cliff, and found myself diving into Eden's waterfall. Instead of drowning, I discovered euphoria.
Since, I have unfolded layer upon layer of cloud nine.
And there were hardship, yes there was. There still is.
Though even with doubt, I go on with life, with this, as if it were my last everyday. So challenge me if you will, fate. I am not afraid of what lies ahead, be it darkness or hope, as of present, I do not fear you. For I've always been hard-headed, and accepted the last could be the next day, the next hour, the next minute. Experience has taught me to be receptive and adaptive toward pain and sorrow, and loneliness can be nurturing when befriended.
Obstacles to happiness can only be seen as obstacles when regarded as.
With or without thy blessings, two days ago was a celebration of the past, the process and the unknown yet appealing future.
He drove up to the mountains on which I first saw our first sunrise, and brought back petals that I loved so much (which I used for my bubble bath the next day).
And ended the day with our favourite genre of food.
Dressed to the nines, I wore the dress I'd worn the first day he claimed love at first sight sparked.
It was simple. But meaningful.