I think it has to do with the recently crazed carnival sales going on all over Malaysia. Definitely not a good thing.
But a good bargain, yes a good thing, is always hard to turn down, or even to come by at times.
I was introduced to this site a month ago that’s known to give good deals, one per day.
The coolest site in town is booming: Mydeal.
I was a bit skeptical at first, so I thought I’d try out to buy something small like a Coffee Bean voucher.
So basically you’re paying RM4 for a RM10 voucher. Either payment through credit cards or maybank2u, and etc.
And just so happened I was craving for Chicago Cheesecake from Coffee Bean then,
so I thought: why not just make a go at the purchase.
The cake would cost me a rough RM9 (well, RM8.50 to be exact) and if I get the voucher, I would only pay RM4 for the cake with extra to boot, perhaps for a cookie. Yummy. Writing about this makes me hungry.
So I went ahead and bought the voucher.
Guess what. Three weeks later, I received a letter.
Ta-da! My very own RM10 Coffee Bean Voucher, expiring Jan 2010.
Oh look, my empty beauty drinks (collagen and placentra extract from Fabula) got candid shot in the photo.
Felt pretty real to me. Not a scam (which I was worried).
Ermm… I thought I’d go for cheesecake.
Handed over the voucher. And she accepted. YES!
Oh how I heart you. Best. Cheesecake. Ever.
There went all my slimming and beauty sessions at the salons.
I had even gone for the new yogurt ice cream they’ve been promoting so heavily these days with my extra credit.
Okay, now I see how this was effective marketing for them. Damn these effective marketing, they’re gonna make me fat (and spend).
Then two weeks ago I spotted something on the site (this was before I even received my Coffee Bean voucher, wow how much faith I have).
Best. Offer. Ever.
Next thing I know I was clicking through the purchasing process and submit RM136 to ‘good sale!’ for probably the most worth-while service on discount.
I was so psyched finding myself too lucky to be checking in on the site that day and spotted the best deal ever! And thank heavens I have a card with me then!
Since these offers normally only last for a day and might or might not ever return. Your best bet is to check the site every day. It’s not hard, if surfing is what you do everyday.
Gosh I couldn’t wait for these two vouchers to come (it didn’t say limit to one person so I bought two, can bring a friend along)!
(Two days later after writing this post)
Since the post was written before this, I just wanted to declare…
Cheng cheng cheng!!
I’d let you know how the facial treatment will turn out when I redeem my vouchers. ^^