Mie Nanamori

Name: Mie Nanamori
Japanese name: ななもり みえ, 七森美江
Birthdate: 9-13, 1984
Current age: 25
Birthplace: Mie, Japan
Occupation: Actress
Blood Type: B
Height: 157cm
Shoe size: 23cm
Hobby: Cooking
Abilities: Youkyoku (Noh songs), Noh dancing (since the age of 4)


Mie Nanamori has a life path of 11. Let’s see if we can apply our knowledge of numerology based around the number 11 to Mie Peacemaker of Society.

As you probably already know the Lifepath Number represents the traits and talents someone was born with and the probable journey that they will take throughout their life, in this case Mie has a life path of 11.

The Life Path Number is determined by the sum that is arrived at after reducing someones birth date by adding digits together.

In 1983, Mie Nanamori was only 9 years old, and experiencing a personal year 2 which was to be very significant later on in life.

A personal year of 2 has the following interpretations: Nurturing, Development, Waiting For The Right Moment


This is a time during which the seeds of change that were planted during a year 1 cycle start to grow. Ideas or attempts to change can be compared to seeds that are nurtured in darkness and just pushing their tendrils up through the soil. A year 2 is all about patience.. We can now see what an impact that year has had on Mie Nanamori’s life.

Discuss your feelings about Mie Nanamori using the comments system at the bottom of this page, or We calculated Mie Nanamori’s life path as a 11, not only can it be interpreted as what is written above, but it can also mean: Not quite obsessive compulsive but very habitual by nature.


As we saw earlier we calculated Mie Nanamori’s Personal Year of 1983 as a number 2 year, this can also mean: It is a year that is spent finding new allies and kindred spirits and making any necessary personal changes that might be acting as obstacles to success. Many people find the year 2 to be challenging as it is often filled with obstacles and delays but by the end any trials you experience will only refine best qualities.






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